Friday, 4 May 2012

Painting continued

Sorry for the lack of updates- been back at uni since the 21st of April and haven't gotten around to posting till now.
Basically, I didn't get the Rasenmaeher finished, but the painting's pretty close to completion. After about 3 coats of Snakebite Leather I managed to rectify the bad coat of Kommando Khaki, and then got onto the patterns. Initially I tried to use a paper template but due to wet paint, the paper stuck to the paint and when I came to remove the template it ripped off bits of paint all the way back, so after the first use I just drew on in light pencil the rough location of the pattern and then painted over those. I used alternating Dark Flesh and Vomit Brown for the pattern.
After that I did some detailing, but I can't remember exactly how or what with. I know the metallic colours were either Boltgun Metal or Dwarf Bronze. I also used transfers for the first time, and did some lining in, a technique which works quite well on the figures I'm used to, and came out alright. What I realise hasn't come out alright is the Milliputt work... Need some more practice with that I think...
Anyway, here is the progress so far...

I'm making quite a bit of progress on that Spider tank, and have Bolt Action Miniature troops and my first MaK figure- a 1/35 Melusine- to make a move on. Roll on the end of exams, so I can get on with them without feeling guilty!